Wednesday, May 8, 2013

the end of a year

Well, it's been awhile folks. Crazy that a whole school year has flown by since I last posted. I still can't believe that I am now a JUNIOR IN COLLEGE. This year can be summed up in one sentence: The Lord is so good y'all. In order to celebrate the end of a school year and the start of summer, here are 5 of my favorite things about my sophomore year in college. (in no particular order)

1) Living in the Theta House (a.k.a the Kitty Kat Mansion)

I have learned so much from living here this year. How to love others well, have patience when people are yelling down the hall when you're trying to take a nap, share a bathroom with 30+ girls, resort to making phone calls in the closet or my car to have some sort of privacy, dress properly with the right hair style and accessories, what late night studying really means (can you say dance parties), and how to make mistakes, knowing that people will love you no matter what. I wouldn't trade this year for the world. Let's just say that there were many tears shed when leaving yesterday.

2) My Friendships

Oh goodness, this could be a post of it's own. I absolutely love my friends. There are so many people that I could talk for hours about how much of an impact they have made on my life, but for time sake, here are just a few:

McKinzie Jones

Since freshman year as roommates, Kinz has been one of my very best friends at A&M. She knows me probably better than I know myself. It's hard to even sum up how much she means to me. Her constant encouragement, joyful spirit, determination, trustworthy nature, and deep desire to know the Lord more intimately has made such an impact on me. She is there when I need advice, challenges in my walk with the Lord, and loves me through all of my faults. Not to mention she is always cracking me up. Thanks for being such a faithful best friend roomz!

Kristen Trapnell

When I first moved into the Theta House, Kristen and I barely knew each other. The Lord obviously had other plans because saying goodbye to her the other day was the hardest thing in the world. As hall-mates, I had the pleasure of waking up almost every morning to Kristen's lovely singing voice, and hearing her scream my name multiple times during the day. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Kristen is one of the most hardworking people I have ever met. She is always full of energy, can handle any problem thrown at her, loves people, and helped plan the most rockin' Theta 5K ever this year. Her friendship has taught me how to enjoy life, be brave, and persevere. I am so excited to see how the Lord uses you in South Africa!

Shannon Miller

Shannon and I actually met our junior year in high school while visiting A&M. Little did we know that we would end up as future froomies! Shan is my biggest cheerleader. She is always there to encourage, to lend a helping hand, and to provide comical relief when you need it the most. She is also one of the strongest, loyal, and steadfast people I know. Whatever is thrown at her, she faces it head on, with lot's of determination. Her friendship alone this year has gotten me through some pretty hard stuff. Can't wait to do life with you in The Avocasa next year!

Ellen Temple

Not only do Ellen and I share the same monogram, but we also get to spend 12 weeks together this summer at camp, and then live together in the fall. Whoop to that! El and I met last summer working at Pine Cove. Lifeguarding in 100+ degree heat and shepherding 2nd-5th graders around has a way of bonding you pretty quickly. Ha. This girl is the definition of j-o-y. Her bubbly spirit, loving personality, and confidence make others want to be around her. Ellen gets me and loves me for me. I am so thankful for this one. Bring it on Summer!

Sarah Smock

I was given the privilege to be roomies with this one the past year in the Theta House. The Lord is to good to me because I have loved every second of it. Sarah is one of the most engaging and personable people I know. She lights up the room whenever she is in it, and has taught me to live life to the fullest and love others well. Sarah is generous, considerate, and compassionate. Thanks for putting up with my grumpiness, lack of excitement, and constant sleeping in. You handled it like a champ. I love you roomie!

3) A&M becoming a member of the SEC. WHOOP!!

I love my school. I don't care if people make fun of me for it, A&M is an incredible place. Besides us joining the SEC, finally having a good football team, Johnny winning the Heisman, and me getting to brag about it to all my longhorn friends and family, Aggieland has given me so much more. It has taught me what true community looks like, shown me what the definition of selfless service is, and instilled in me a spirit and a work ethic that I will forever be grateful for. I am already sad that I only have two years left here. 

4) The Big Event

Like I mentioned above, A&M has taught me what selfless service is, and this is due to The Big Event. I have had the incredible privilege of being on TBE staff these past two years. I absolutely love this organization. Just thinking back to the day of and watching thousands of students give their time to serve the Bryan/College Station community still gives me chills. This organization represents what A&M is all about.  I couldn't be more proud that I have been given the opportunity to play a tiny role in making it happen.

5) Random Adventures

If you know me, then you know how much I love adventures (probably too much). Whether it's going on a walk on the nature trail, driving around town in the wee hours of the night, random road-tripping, exploring backroads, traveling to Lake Bryan, getting someone to go eat at Newks with me for the tenth time that week, or just abandoning studying in favor of a trip to Sonic or a park, I am always up for it. Adventure is out there. 

Now pat yourself on the back for making it through this extremely long post. Happy Summer!

Friday, September 14, 2012

be still

It's hard to start a post after being away for a while. Hard because I feel like so much has happened since I last wrote. Lessons learned. Memories made. Old friendships. New friendships. Camp (which carries so much in just one little word). The start of a new school year. Challenge. Encouragement. Growth.

But the one thing that has remained constant, unshakeable, and steadfast these past few months, is my sweet Savior. Who bore my burdens along side of me. Who taught me so much this summer; I still haven't even processed it all. Who is still working on my stubborn, broken heart. Who blessed me with incredible new and precious friendships. And strengthened old ones. Who broke, transformed, and renewed me at a place that I call my second home. Who patiently lead me along as I transitioned into a new school year, fighting tooth and nail the whole time. Who has showered me with love and grace as I have tried to run, tried to control, and tried to fix. Who has wrapped His arms around me, and whispered His promises and truth over me continually. 

"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine."- Isaiah 43:1

We are His. He should be our everything. The author and perfecter of the universe has called us by name. In Him we have life, we have forgiveness, we have freedom. Those are my Father's promises. That is His truth.

From the moment I returned from camp, I fought against the Lord and His will for sending me back. Camp is not real life. And I know that. I thought I was prepared and ready to go back to school after spending five weeks being filled up and poured out. But as soon as I did, I stopped listening to the Lord. Stopped relying on Him. Satan's lies and worldly desires took over. All I wanted to do was run. I struggled to figure out my purpose in being back. School seemed pointless. Life at A&M was different. And I tried to find meaning behind everything. I prayed daily that the Lord would reveal to me His purpose. That He would send me somewhere, any where from what seemed like trivial life to me now.

And then, the Lord reached out. All my fears, worries, wishes, and struggles came to a screeching halt. He reminded me that I need to "Be still and know that [he is] God" (Psalm 46:10). To rest in His presence. And to be thankful for what He has given me at this moment. 

I am blessed to be able to go to A&M. Blessed with amazing friends that the Lord has placed in my life. I have realized that I need to seek the Lord and not His purpose. To find Him in the big and in the small. To praise Him for who He is, and what He has done and has yet to do in my life. To stop fighting. And to let Him have all the glory, honor, and praise.

"For you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me."- Psalm 63:7-8

P.S- Sorry if this is just me rambling. I was trying to get so many thoughts out at once and it probably doesn't make much sense. But, hey, that's the reason behind this blog in the first place. :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

with reckless abandon

Most of the time, I think I can live life on my own. That I can have all the control, and that every expectation and goal that I set will be met. I become disconnected from the Lord- distant because my stubborn, weak heart listens to lies from the world that I don't need him. That my faith and my life can somehow be separate. And so, I turn away from His outstretched hands and into the comfort of my flesh.

Yet in the quiet, He is there. Never letting up, constantly pursuing. Hands always outstretched. Patiently waiting, continually tugging on my heart.

Finally, when I am weary of the world and tired of trying to live out the selfish desires of my heart, I take His hands. And He ushers me into His perfect love and unending grace. Teaches me that I was designed to be dependent on Him, and that through that dependence comes the sweetest of surrenders. Breaks down my pride, my selfishness, my idleness, and my self-suffienciency. Shows me what true joy found only in Him is like, and the peace and contentment that stems from that joy. He takes my weaknesses and reveals the beauty in them. Most importantly, He loves me; with such an unconditional, deep, passionate, constant, reckless love. A love that never fails.

It amazes me how often I repeat the above cycle. How often I run from the Lord and then turn back to Him, only to run away again when I let my selfish, worldly desires take root deep in my heart. The Lord forgives and loves me every single second of every single day. That is incomprehensible to me. And something that I can never be thankful enough for.

In the darkness of control and comfortability, He shines bright. And I am reminded that there is no greater joy than wholeheartedly following the Lord. Than falling face down on the floor, surrendering to His will for my life. My fears and my worries are nothing compared to His surpassing peace and strength.

Thank you Lord for calling me out of the darkness of this world, with hands outstretched. Thank you for humbling, abounding grace and mercy. Thank you for precious reminders of Your faithfulness. Thank you for those simple conversations that lead me back to You. Thank you for a love that is unending. 

Lord, help me live with reckless abandon. That I let everything go in order to know you more. Teach me the joy that comes from following you. Give me a heart that is consumed by you and not by this world.

"I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you."- Jeremiah 31:3

"In our abandonment we give ourselves over to God just as God gave Himself for us, without any calculation. The consequences of abandonment never enter into our outlook because our life is taken up with Him."- Oswald Chambers

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Jumping. Cheering. Sweet fellowship. Crazy names. Fun activities. More jumping. Constant, yet wonderful heat. Beautiful, redemptive stories. Laughter. Praising and worshiping the Lord.....These are the things that come to mind when someone mentions the word camp. It brings a smile to my face and joy in my heart whenever I reflect on the summers I was allowed to spend at Pine Cove. 10 summers to be exact.

From the time I was 7 until I was 17, I went to Pine Cove every summer. It was the place where I became a believer. The place where I learned so much about my Savior and grew in my walk with Him. The Lord used my time there to develop a desire for Him, to teach me that I was in desperate need of Him, and to show me what true fellowship looked like. I was extremely blessed to be given the opportunity to go to a camp that strives to proclaim the name of Jesus and follow His lead.

Ever since I first starting going to Pine Cove, I dreamed about being a counselor there. It was (and is) such a special place to me, and I wanted to be apart of it for as long as possible. And let's face it, who doesn't want a crazy, fun camp name to become your new alter ego? However, instead of being chosen to be a Baby Ruth (a discipleship program at Pine Cove for girls about to enter college) last summer, the Lord had other plans. I was given the incredible opportunity to go to Hong Kong (more on that experience in a different post); a place that captured my heart and lead me down a path that didn't include going to camp during the summer for the first time since I was 7. Talk about change.

And so, I thought I was done with Pine Cove. Not done in the sense that "I wanted nothing to do with the place, and never go back again" (that will never be the case). I just believed that Lord was calling me somewhere else in order to proclaim His name and apply what I had learned at camp all those years. I honestly loved my time away from camp last summer. I missed it for sure, but I learned that there is life outside of Pine Cove, and that the Lord is working all over the world. I grew so much in my faith last summer, and my desire to follow His will and rely on Him increased tremendously.

When it came time to start applying and interviewing for Pine Cove last fall, I really struggled with what the Lord wanted me to do this summer. I felt my heart being tugged in two different directions; one towards going back to Hong Kong and the other one towards working at camp. I decided to go ahead and apply to Pine Cove, trusting and praying that the Lord would open doors that needed to be opened and close doors that needed to be closed. And late one night towards the end of the semester, He did just that.

I was studying in the library for a huge test that I had the next day when I got a text from my older sister (who is on leadership at Pine Cove Towers this summer), asking if I had received any phone calls or voicemails that night. I immediately checked my inbox and refreshed my phone about 50 times, just in case it was doing something funky. Nothing. I tried to go back to studying, but honestly, there was no way I could focus anymore. So, I sat and stared at the blank screen for about 5 minutes until it lit up with a text from the girl who had interviewed me, asking if I could call her back when I got a chance. Without any hesitation, I sprinted down 3 flights of stairs and outside, shaking as I called her back. Two minutes later, I was offered a job as a counselor at Pine Cove Towers, the 2nd to 5th grade camp. Tears streaming down my face (probably alarming the studious people going and coming from the library...oops), I accepted. The Lord had answered my prayers and I have no doubt that He wants me at Pine Cove this summer. Boy, is He faithful and His timing perfect.

In just 9 days, I will be headed to Pine Cove for 2 weeks for orientation. Towers holds a special place in my heart out of all of the camps at Pine Cove (but, I absolutely love every one of them). It is where I became a believer. The fact that I get to go back and work with little kids, leading them to their one true Savior and Creator, fills me with excitement and definitely humbles me. This summer will be challenging, exhausting, rewarding, humbling, and exhilarating. I am so very eager to see what the Lord is going to teach me and how He is going to further His kingdom.

My hope and prayer is that I will not treat being a counselor as just another job or a check it off on the list of "things a Christian is supposed to do". I want to be used by Him to transform the hearts of others. I want Him to be glorified above every name. I want to love on and serve the campers (and staff) that I come in contact with. I want to come away from camp at the end of the summer a different person; not because I did anything to change my heart, but because I let Him do everything.

"Yet, Oh Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." Isaiah 64:8

"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men...; for you serve the Lord Christ." Colossians 3:23-24

Monday, April 30, 2012

warning: cheesy post ahead

In exactly a week from tomorrow, I will be done with my freshman year of college. Talk about bittersweet. It's hard to start a post to sum up a year that has been so incredible, challenging, encouraging, and most importantly, has taught me that the Lord is faithful above all things.

I still remember showing up at A&M last August to move into my dorm room. I still remember the excitement and butterflies I felt as I started the transition from the place where I had spent my whole life, to a totally brand new one. I had so many expectations and goals for my first year; most of which didn't play out the way I wanted them to. But, the Lord is faithful and His plan is far greater and more beautiful than I could ever hope.

One of the biggest prayers I had going into college was for solid friendships. I fervently prayed that the Lord would place people in my life who loved the Lord and would encourage me in my walk with Him. He far exceeded my expectations. I have been blessed with INCREDIBLE friends this year. They not only encourage me in my walk with the Lord, but they challenge me, laugh with me, hold me accountable, and love me despite all of my faults. Whether it was asking how my day went, sending encouraging texts when I was stressed about school, going on endless Sonic Happy Hour runs, road trips late at night, hanging around talking about random things, late night deep convos about how awesome the Lord is, hammocking sessions, or dance parties on the side of the road, they have taught me what it truly means to serve and love others. It overwhelms me how faithful the Lord is. I am so very thankful for my friends; time with them just makes my heart happy (sorry for being so cheesy haha). 

This summer is going to be different than any other one I have experienced before. My very best friends will be spread out all over the place. I won't see most of them for 3 months. It is going to be weird not being able to just head over to their rooms when I am bored, upset, or just looking for someone to talk to. But, it makes it so much sweeter knowing that I have the next 3 years with them ( and hopefully the rest of my life). That I will be living with a lot of them in the house next year. And that the others will be close by. 

I literally cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for my friendships these next few years. Looking back over the course of the year just makes me so excited to see my old friendships solidify and grow, and to see the new ones that might form. 

He. Is. Faithful. 

All the time.

P.S- Trailblazing for camp is in 18 DAYS!! More to come on that in another post.

Over and out. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

stir in me a desire

This past semester I have been studying the life of David. A man who earnestly and fervently sought the Lord; a man after God's own heart. The way he saw the beauty, power, and majesty of the Lord is very humbling. David had a passion for God that spilled out into everything that he did and said. He was a broken human being who had many, many faults (just like the rest of us), but yet the Lord chose to use him. He stirred a desire in David to pursue Him intimately. A desire that transformed the way David lived. No matter what he did, David always turned back to the Lord and submitted himself to Him.

Recently, I have been praying for a desire to know the Lord more intimately. For a passion to seek Him out every day and to grow in my relationship with Him. I want to view God the way David did. I want to be completely overwhelmed and humbled by His presence. I prayerfully want the Lord to consume me and stir in me a desire to pursue Him wholeheartedly.

How different my life would be if I lived in total, complete awareness of the Lord. If He filled all of my thoughts and I lived a life of excitement and joy because of that? The Lord IS IN everything; He IS everything. I need to be reminded of that constantly. When we can come to terms with just how incredible, how beautiful the Lord is, we won't be able to stand not being in His presence.

I have also started to realize that even when walking step by step with the Lord, I am going to mess up. I'm human after all. I am a perfectionist so for a long time I would never ask for the Lord's forgiveness because that meant I failed at something. Thankfully, the Lord has taught me that I am by no means perfect and I never will be.... Broken and sinful, yet made in the image of God; that is who I am. And getting to ask for the Lord's forgiveness is a humbling thing. It reminds me that I am a sinner, saved by the Lord's unending grace. 

Lord, give me a desire to seek your face each and every day. Stir in me a passion for Your precious, holy name; an excitement that fills me with joy because I am in your presence. Transform my heart.

"Let us know, let us press on to know the Lord; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth."- Hosea 6:3

"Oh God, your are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in dry and weary land where there is no water.....So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands." Psalm 63:1, 4

P.S- Can we just talk about how yesterday was Sonic Happy Hour ALL DAY LONG. Definitely went more than once. Not ashamed at all. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

before the throne

Have you ever just sat still and listened to the lyrics of a song? Let them sink in and penetrate your heart? Today in church we sang the song, "Before the Throne"; one of my all time favorite worship songs. What a powerful song that holds so much depth and meaning. One stanza (I think that's what it's called) of the song says, 

When Satan tempts me to despair, 
And tells me of the guilt within, 
Upward I look, and see Him there
Who made an end to all my sin.

What a wonderful picture of how we should live our lives. When we are tempted, overwhelmed with the burden of sin, where else would/should we look than to Christ. We can't live without Him. Life is just too hard, and we can so easily become tangled up in the mess that sin can create.I have found that when I turn to the Lord for help during a difficult period, my burdens are lighter compared to when I try to do life on my own. When I try to be in control. 

It truly is humbling to realize how much God loves us, and how He NEVER leaves us. Even when we chose not to turn to Him when we are in desperate need of His strength and peace. The Lord is always there; I prayerfully need to remember to let go of the world and grab onto His waiting hands. To cling to Him, and look up to Him when I am struggling. 

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."- Isaiah 41:10

 "God is our refuge, our strength, a very present help in trouble."- Psalm 46:1